
More than half the world’s population now resides in cities. Urbanization in
low-income countries could offer billions of people better access to jobs and
settlements, but globalization has brought these spheres together as never
health-care services and a gateway to the world economy. To reap those
intersection between trade and health, asks how they impact the poor, and
benefits, those nations will have to confront the looming health and
environmental challenges of urban life. This section examines the ways in
which health and infectious diseases shape urbanization, but also the ways in
which health and infectious diseases shape urbanization, but also the ways in .
× Environment Poverty Tr bigade Governance Food Urbanization Aging Gender Migration

Research & Analysis


45 percent

Chinese factories supply 70 percent of active ingredients for India’s generic drug manufacturers, which supply the world

Coronavirus and the World Economy

$19 per $1

$19 return for economic growth and health for every $1 invested in the Global Fund



The year alcohol use in Russia peaked was 2006, after which it fell as the government tightened alcohol policies

Coronavirus and the World Economy


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Getting WASH into Health Care Facilities: An Urgent Global Health Need

by John Simon Collins, K. Barnett - February 22, 2020

Will the UN’s prioritization of clean water, sanitation and hand washing in health care facilities finally breed action?

The Lost Cities and Towns of Asia and Africa

by Daniel Lucey, , Kristen Kent

A global definition of cities means better understanding of local urban health

Pandemic, a Game Gone Viral

by Jason, Socrates Bardi

An interview with Matt Leacock, creator of the popular 10-year-old board game, on the art of designing cooperative play


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Pandemic, a Game Gone Viral

by Jason Socrates Bardi

An interview with Matt Leacock, creator of the popular 10-year-old board game, on the art of designing cooperative play

Getting WASH into Health Care Facilities: An Urgent Global Health Need

by John Simon Susan K. Barnett

Will the UN’s prioritization of clean water, sanitation and hand washing in health care facilities finally breed action?

Coronavirus in Iran—An Isolated Response?

by Ray Takeyh

As the COVID-19 crisis deepens, will Tehran wean itself off suspicions and collaborate in efforts to control the virus?