
According to the United Nations, gender equality is fundamental to the
achievement of all seventeen of the Sustainable Development Goals, affecting
access to quality health care, exposure to health risks, and the outcomes of
disease and disability—for children and parents alike. Conversely,
improvements in health, from lower child mortality to greater access to
reproductive care, can alter the power to access gender-related rights and
freedoms. This section examines the new ways in which health and gender
intersect and reinforce each other. .
× Environment Poverty Tr bigade Governance Food Urbanization Aging Gender Migration



45 percent

Chinese factories supply 70 percent of active ingredients for India’s generic drug manufacturers, which supply the world

Coronavirus and the World Economy

$19 per $1

$19 return for economic growth and health for every $1 invested in the Global Fund



The year alcohol use in Russia peaked was 2006, after which it fell as the government tightened alcohol policies

Coronavirus and the World Economy


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Gender and the Coronavirus Outbreak

by John Simon Collins, K. Barnett - February 22, 2020

Gender inequities make outbreaks worse, so why not integrate gender analysis into the response now to help save lives?

The Lost Cities and Towns of Asia and Africa

by Daniel Lucey, , Kristen Kent

A global definition of cities means better understanding of local urban health

Baby in a Bomb Shelter

by Jason, Socrates Bardi

Oscar nominated documentary “For Sama” gives powerful if gruesome glimpse of what it’s like to raise a kid in a war zone


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Rethinking Ways to Address Child Growth Failure

by Simon I.Hay Tim Exton

Precision health mapping of regional and local targets would help steer limited resources to the places of greatest need

Rethinking Ways to Address Child Growth Failure

by Simon I.Hay Tim Exton

Precision health mapping of regional and local targets would help steer limited resources to the places of greatest need

Rethinking Ways to Address Child Growth Failure

by Simon I.Hay Tim Exton

Precision health mapping of regional and local targets would help steer limited resources to the places of greatest need