
The link between poverty
The links between trade and health extend back to the earliest human
settlements, but globalization has brought these spheres together as never
before. This section examines the issues that have led to an even closer
intersection between trade and health, asks how they impact the poor, and
explores the tensions that arise between the goals of protecting and promoting
health and generating wealth through trade.
× Environment Poverty Tr bigade Governance Food Urbanization Aging Gender Migration

Research & Analysis


45 percent

Chinese factories supply 70 percent of active ingredients for India’s generic drug manufacturers, which supply the world

Coronavirus and the World Economy

$19 per $1

$19 return for economic growth and health for every $1 invested in the Global Fund



The year alcohol use in Russia peaked was 2006, after which it fell as the government tightened alcohol policies

Coronavirus and the World Economy


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What are Microbiomes and Probiotics?

by Chris Collins, Mark P. Lagon - February 6, 2020

The first in a series on bacteria in the gut and their potential for improving health and addressing malnutrition

The Market, the Clinic, the Lung, and the Lab

by Daniel Lucey, , Kristen Kent

An interview with University of Iowa expert Stanley Perlman on what we know and what we don’t about the new coronavirus

To Encourage Healthy Eating, Use the Carrot, Not Just the Stick

by Daniel Lucey, , Kristen Kent

As communities consider taxing sugary drinks, they should also consider the critical role of healthy food subsidies


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Rethinking Ways to Address Child Growth Failure

by Simon I.Hay Tim Exton

Precision health mapping of regional and local targets would help steer limited resources to the places of greatest need

Rethinking Ways to Address Child Growth Failure

by Simon I.Hay Tim Exton

Precision health mapping of regional and local targets would help steer limited resources to the places of greatest need

Rethinking Ways to Address Child Growth Failure

by Simon I.Hay Tim Exton

Precision health mapping of regional and local targets would help steer limited resources to the places of greatest need